How Flyback Transformers Operate: A Full Overview

How Flyback Transformers Operate: A Full Overview

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Something about Flyback

The flyback is a power conversion method commonly used in flyback converters, characterized by its ability to rapidly release stored energy to the output during the off state of the switching element through the transformer's magnetic field. This process consists of two stages: first, when the switch is on, current flows through the primary winding, generating a magnetic field and storing energy; then, when the switch is turned off, the magnetic field collapses, inducing a high voltage in the secondary winding, which transfers energy to the load. Many distributors offer a wide range of components of flyback transformer to cater to diverse application needs, like TOP258MG

What About Flyback Transformers?

The main function of a flyback transformer is to efficiently release stored energy to the output when the switch is turned off. Unlike traditional transformers, a flyback transformer not only facilitates voltage conversion but also possesses energy storage and feedback capabilities. It typically consists of two windings: the primary winding and the secondary winding, which are magnetically coupled through a core to enable energy storage and transfer during the switching operation.

During the operation of a flyback transformer, the primary winding stores energy when it is energized. When the switch is turned off, the collapse of the magnetic field induces voltage in the secondary winding, thus providing power to the load. This design allows flyback transformers to achieve high voltage transformation ratios and makes them suitable for various power supply applications, especially in situations requiring isolation and voltage regulation.

The Operation of Flyback Transformers

The operation principle of a flyback transformer is based on a buck-boost topology, where the transformer not only facilitates voltage transformation but also provides isolation. The most commonly used switch in a flyback converter is a MOSFET, which is controlled by a flyback controller that adjusts the duty cycle to achieve the desired output voltage. The duty cycle for a flyback transformer typically does not exceed 0.5, and the output voltage can be calculated using the formula:

Vin: Input voltage

Ns and Np: The number of turns in the secondary and primary windings

D: Duty cycle

In the basic flyback cycle, when the FET switch is closed, current flows through the primary winding of the transformer, establishing a magnetic field and storing energy. The winding's polarity design ensures that the output diode is reverse-biased, preventing energy from flowing to the secondary while the switch is closed. When the FET opens, the magnetic field collapses, transferring the stored energy to the secondary winding and subsequently to the load. If the FET is turned on again before the secondary current reaches zero, the circuit enters Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM).

Conversely, if all the stored flyback energy is transferred to the secondary before the FET turns on again, it operates in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). The flyback transformer can be designed to operate in either mode based on application requirements, and it is essential to consider the peak primary current to avoid saturation during operation.

Flyback Transformer Applications

Flyback transformers are widely used in various power conversion systems, mainly including the following aspects:

Switching power supply

LED driver

Power management


Communication equipment

Flyback Transformer Advantages and Disadvantages


  • The circuit is simple and can efficiently provide multiple DC outputs, making it suitable for applications with multiple output requirements.

  • High conversion efficiency with minimal losses.

  • The transformer turns ratio is relatively small.

  • The output remains stable even when the input voltage fluctuates widely, currently achievable with AC inputs ranging from 85 to 265V without needing to switch for stable output.


  • The output voltage exhibits significant ripple, resulting in lower load adjustment precision and limiting output power, typically used for applications under 150W.

  • When the transformer operates in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM), there is a substantial DC component that can lead to core saturation, necessitating the addition of an air gap in the magnetic circuit, which increases the size of the transformer.

  • The presence of DC components and the simultaneous operation in both CCM and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) complicates the transformer design, requiring more iterations and adjustments compared to forward converters, making the design process more complex.


What factors should be considered when designing a Flyback Transformer?

Key factors include core material, winding configuration, turns ratio, switching frequency, and thermal management.

Can Flyback Transformers operate in both Continuous and Discontinuous modes?

Yes, Flyback Transformers can operate in both Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM)

What are some common issues encountered with Flyback Transformers?

Common issues include core saturation, excessive heat generation, output voltage ripple, and electromagnetic interference (EMI).

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